Welcome to The Recovery Album!

If you’ve struggled with anxiety, low self-worth, food issues or pretty much anything else, The Recovery Album is for you.

Through albums of picture thought blogssongsBible verses, and social media posts, I hope to encourage you to move forward or to keep moving forward towards freedom.

Sometimes, especially in my deepest struggles, the simplest analogies are the most helpful way for me to see a truth more clearly. Maybe it’s the same for you. I guess I’m a visual learner. How great it is that Jesus often taught in parables; these stories with their powerful imagery help me to remember the truth of His teachings. And if I remember a truth, I’m more likely to apply it to my life.

The Recovery Album is my way of sharing some recovery truths with you. My prayer is that those you need to apply, you will remember.

Check out:

  • My album of ‘picture thoughts’ in the blogs section
  • My recovery song choices for a worship ‘album’ in the songs section
  • Some of my favourite Bible verses, and
  • Social media posts you can share with friends

Each album will be regularly added to, so keep checking back to see what’s new. 

Follow The Recovery Album on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Why not share your own recovery journey and encouragement to others?


About Catherine

I became a Christian as a young teenager. I lacked self-confidence, and by nineteen years of age, as a student, became anorexic, later struggling with bulimia too. 

I credit Jesus for my recovery. Believing I am known, forgiven, and loved unconditionally by a perfect God was the turning point in my journey. I have now enjoyed freedom from eating disorders for nearly thirty years! Read my full testimony here.

I’m married to Dave, live in Newcastle upon Tyne, and have three grown up children.

My own recovery motivates me to share with others the good news that they too can find hope for change in Jesus Christ.

I serve on the pastoral team of Jesmond Parish Church in Newcastle upon Tyne and have run a Celebrate Recovery ministry at the church since 2005, supporting others to experience fulness of life in Jesus.

Finding Support

I’m so glad you have found The Recovery Album and hope the content is helpful for your journey. The Recovery Album is designed to share recovery truth and point you to Jesus, our Healer. The blogs are my thoughts based on my own and others’ experiences. This website is not designed to be a programme in itself nor can it offer the ‘people-support’ that is so important on the road to recovery. Therefore, I want to encourage you to seek support on your recovery journey.

Find a church

To build your life on Jesus’ words, it’s important to belong to a Bible-believing church that wants to welcome you and help you grow in faith. If you live in Newcastle upon Tyne, I’d love to welcome you to my church, Jesmond Parish Church.

Find a Christ-centred support group

I highly recommend joining a Celebrate Recovery group. These groups are for anyone seeking recovery from ‘hurts, hang-ups or habits’. You’ll feel less isolated. You’ll be pointed to Jesus for hope and direction for freedom, and you’ll find openness, honesty and friendship. 

My own Celebrate Recovery group meets on Mondays, at 7.15pm at Jesmond Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4DJ.

For other locations, see the Celebrate Recovery UK website.

Other support available

Please don’t hesitate to get additional help from your GP. Tell them how you are feeling and they’ll know what support to offer you.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999 or go to A&E.

If you need help urgently for your mental health, but it’s not an emergency, you can call the NHS on 111. 

The Samaritans provide emotional support for anyone who is struggling to cope. You can phone them on 116 123

Your mental health is important – you will not be wasting anyone’s time.

Christ-centred support that has been recommended to The Recovery Album: